What is an SEO Audit?

Every day, thousands of searches are conducted on Google. To stand out in this competitive digital environment, an effective SEO strategy is crucial. The first step of this strategy is the SEO audit, a comprehensive analysis of your website.

An SEO audit is a thorough evaluation that checks if your site meets search engine criteria for good positioning. This audit covers several essential aspects:

  • Competition Analysis: Evaluation of your positioning compared to your competitors.
  • Technical Audit: Examination of the site's structure, 404 errors, redirects, loading speed, and mobile accessibility.
  • UX Audit: The UX (user experience) audit focuses on optimizing user interaction with your website. It includes the analysis of ergonomics, loading time, accessibility, user journey, and mobile compatibility.
  • Popularity: Evaluation of online visibility, including backlinks and domain authority, and the development of an appropriate strategy.
  • Performance Audit: Measurement of monthly visits, number of keywords, etc.
  • Content Audit: Analysis of the quality, organization, and relevance of your content concerning targeted keywords. Checks the uniqueness of the content and optimization of metadata.
  • Google My Business Audit: Analysis of the quality, organization, and relevance of your content related to targeted keywords. Analyzes local SEO optimization.

The main objective of the SEO audit is to provide a detailed strategic plan, identifying priority actions to achieve optimal results quickly. At Rablab, the SEO technical audit is the first step to improving your ranking on Google.

We offer a detailed report with concrete recommendations to maximize your online visibility.

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Our Technical SEO Audit Services in Montreal

If your website has undergone significant changes (redesign, transfer plan, page modifications, content deletion, provider change, etc.), errors may have crept in, negatively impacting your ranking. A technical SEO audit is essential to identify and correct these problems.

Our service allows you to analyze the quality of your site and provide recommendations according to Google's best practices.

A technical audit is crucial to ensure your website's performance and visibility in search results. Here are the main benefits of our technical SEO audit:

  • Improved Site Performance: Identifying and correcting issues that slow down your site. A fast loading speed improves user experience and ranking on Google.
  • Optimized Indexing: Ensuring that your important pages are accessible to indexing robots by correctly configuring the robots.txt file and XML sitemap.
  • Resolution of Technical Errors: Identifying and resolving technical errors to improve your site's accessibility and performance.
  • Mobile Adaptability: Evaluating the optimization of your site for mobile devices, ensuring a smooth user experience on all types of devices.
  • Better User Experience: A technically optimized site reduces bounce rates and increases visitor engagement. Search engines take user experience into account in their ranking algorithms.
  • Competitive Advantage: Resolving technical issues that make your site more performant and competitive, allowing you to surpass your competitors.

At Rablab, we are committed to providing you with a comprehensive technical SEO audit, offering a clear view of your site's current state and concrete recommendations to maximize your organic ranking.

Trust Rablab for Your SEO Audit: Your SEO Agency in Montreal

At Rablab, we place humans at the heart of our approach to achieve concrete results. Our SEO services are specifically designed to meet the needs of your business. Our technical SEO audits cover all aspects that influence your ranking, leaving nothing to chance. Our analyses constantly evolve with Google's updates to remain accurate and effective while providing personalized support to discuss results and answer all your questions.

Our SEO experts have already propelled over a hundred clients to the first page of search engines. Why not you? Contact our team now for an estimate!

Contact us: +1 514 317-6764

Steps of a Technical SEO Audit at Rablab

Here are the key steps in our process

At Rablab, we conduct a comprehensive technical SEO audit to optimize your website's performance and visibility. Here are the key steps of our process:

Initial Discussion and Qualification

We start with a discussion with you to understand your needs and objectives. We also collect the necessary access to your SEO tools such as Google Search Console and Google Analytics to facilitate our analysis.

Beginning the Technical Audit

We analyze your website using tools like Screaming Frog, SEMrush, or Google Search Console. This allows us to extract content, check for 404 errors, identify redirects (301, 302, etc.), and formulate necessary recommendations.

We also check other technical and SEO elements, such as tags (metadata, hreflang, canonical), to ensure their compliance with SEO best practices. Finally, we analyze the hierarchical and logical structure of your site to ensure smooth navigation and efficient indexing by search engines.

Indexing and Robots.txt File Verification

We ensure that all your important pages are accessible to indexing robots and that the robots.txt file is configured correctly. We then confirm that your sitemap is present and well-configured to facilitate indexing by search engines.

Speed and Mobile Adaptability

We evaluate your site's performance and loading speed using proven analysis tools. Additionally, we check your site's mobile compatibility to ensure an optimal user experience on all devices.

Initial Audit Report and Action Plan

At the end of the initial audit, we provide you with a comprehensive document with a detailed analysis and a concrete action plan, and we make a proposal within your budget.

In-Depth Analysis by a Specialist

Our initial technical audit is one of the most competitive on the market, offering a free overall portrait of your website. To go further, a detailed analysis is necessary. Your assigned specialist examines each element of the initial audit, prioritizes actions (high, medium, low), eliminates "false positives," and detects any new errors. They provide details on each correction to be made and share best practices to avoid future errors. All this information is presented in a comprehensive technical recommendations plan, delivered within the agreed time frame.

Implementation of Technical Recommendations

You can choose to implement the recommendations yourself by handing over our recommendations document to your technical team or hire our SEO agency in Montreal to apply them. We prioritize the main corrections for quick results and perform technical optimizations based on regular analysis.

Often, some technical recommendations are applied by Rablab and others by your internal (or freelance) developer. All this is discussed logically during the presentation of the recommendations plan.


By following these steps, we ensure that we deliver a comprehensive and in-depth analysis, enabling our customers to maximize their online visibility and improve their SEO performance.


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    Questions Fréquentes sur l’audit SEO technique

    Le SEO technique se concentre sur l'optimisation des aspects techniques de votre site, tels que la crawlabilité, l'indexabilité et la performance du site, pour améliorer la visibilité dans les moteurs de recherche. Contrairement au SEO on-page qui optimise le contenu et les balises meta, et au SEO off-page qui se concentre sur la création de backlinks et l'amélioration de l'autorité du domaine, le SEO technique assure que les moteurs de recherche peuvent accéder et comprendre votre site efficacement​.

    Un audit SEO technique identifie et corrige les problèmes qui empêchent les moteurs de recherche de crawler et d'indexer votre site efficacement. Il optimise également la vitesse du site, la compatibilité mobile et la sécurité, améliorant ainsi l'expérience utilisateur et, par conséquent, les classements dans les moteurs de recherche​.

    Un site web est en constante évolution. Chaque modification, ajout de contenu ou effort pour améliorer la notoriété de votre site peut influencer les facteurs qui affectent son positionnement dans les moteurs de recherche. Pour maintenir un bon référencement, il est recommandé de réaliser un audit technique annuel.

    Cela permet d'identifier et de corriger rapidement les nouvelles erreurs qui pourraient survenir, assurant ainsi que votre site reste optimisé et performant.

    Les problèmes de SEO technique courants incluent la lenteur du site, les problèmes de crawlabilité et d'indexabilité, le contenu dupliqué, les liens brisés et l'incompatibilité mobile. Ces problèmes peuvent être résolus en optimisant la performance du site, en améliorant la structure du site, en utilisant des balises canoniques, en réparant les liens brisés et en adoptant une approche de conception mobile-first​.

    La sécurité du site et le chiffrement HTTPS sont essentiels pour le SEO technique car ils protègent les données des utilisateurs et favorisent la confiance. La mise en œuvre d'un certificat SSL et le maintien d'une sécurité robuste du site peuvent améliorer les classements dans les moteurs de recherche et l'expérience utilisateur​.

    Pour améliorer la vitesse de chargement de votre site et ses performances globales, suivez ces recommandations :

    • Choisir un hébergeur de qualité : Optez pour un hébergeur performant garantissant une bonne vitesse de chargement.
    • Désinstaller les plugins et extensions inutiles : Allégez votre site en supprimant les plugins et extensions non essentiels.
    • Réduire le poids des images : Compressez les images pour diminuer leur taille sans compromettre la qualité visuelle.
    • Utiliser des plugins de cache : Implémentez des plugins de cache adaptés à votre CMS pour améliorer le temps de chargement des pages.
    • Compresser les fichiers JavaScript et CSS : Activez la compression de ces fichiers pour réduire leur taille et accélérer le chargement.
    • Utiliser un CDN (Content Delivery Network) : Déployez un CDN pour distribuer le contenu de votre site depuis des serveurs situés près des utilisateurs, réduisant ainsi le temps de chargement.
    • Optimiser pour PageSpeed Insights : Visez un score de 90 ou plus sur Google PageSpeed Insights pour garantir une bonne expérience de chargement. Si votre score est déjà supérieur à celui de vos concurrents, concentrez vos efforts sur d'autres aspects de l'optimisation.

    En suivant ces étapes, vous améliorerez significativement la vitesse de votre site, offrant ainsi une meilleure expérience utilisateur et un meilleur classement dans les moteurs de recherche.

    7236 rue Waverly #221, Montréal,
    QC, H2R 0C2